Monday, April 30, 2012

Message in a Bottle

At one of my bridal showers, all of my friends wrote a favorite memory or well wishes in a jar for me to read later.  I really enjoyed reading all of these, and I wanted to record them for future reference: 

Beth: "I'll never forget those fun nights in the Alpha Gam house with you! You always were there for me with the best guy advice! Best wishes to you and your hubby! I am so happy for you!"

Mare: "Like my grandmother always says, "Never go to bed angry!" Congratulations and I wish you and David the best!"

Amanda: "I love you with all of my heart.  You are my best friend and my partner in crime.  I have way too many amazing memories with you to pick just one.  You are an amazing woman and David is so lucky to have you.  I'm so happy for you guys!"

Mom B: "Look for love and humor in every situation!"

Katherine: "Oh Sarah! There is so much to say! However, what always sticks in my mind is how sweet and enthusiastic you are! You never have a mean or negative thought! I know you'll take this warmth and positivity into your future marriage.  You are going to make an amazing wife.  David is a lucky man.  I feel you don't need advice! You have got it all figured out.  I wish you the best of luck in your exciting new future!"

Mary Margaret: "One of my favorite memories of you is playing in the snow freshman year and then warming up with hot chocolate.  My favorite memory about David is when we went out to eat on Spring Break 2010 and David kept throwing butter at people. Then he randomly got in my car (without Sarah) and goes grocery shopping with Kristin and me.  I kept finding butter packets in my car for two weeks after that! Love you both!"

Jennifer: "I can still remember the first time I met you.  We realized we both had a love for ballet and became instant friends.  It was so nice to have someone to talk about plies and pointe shoes with.  Our friendship has expanded since then and I am so happy to have known you for the past four years.  I wish you all the happiness in the world with David and wanted to leave you with a little advice: 1. Even though you will always be right, let him think he is sometimes.  2. Don't be a cover hog. 3. Perfect the cooking of his favorite meal for emergency situations.  4. Wait at least a year to pee in front of each other.  5. Don't go to bed mad and without saying, 'I love you'." 

Angelique: "From the very beginning, I've loved being your friend and I've known you and David were meant for each other.  I'll always remember you both helping me move in my entire carful of stuff.  My only advice is to keep smiling, laughing, and be happy!"

Mom McP: "You are lovely.  You are beautiful.  Take care of yourself so that you can take care of David (and your family when you have one).  I love you!" 

Marissa: "Marriage advice for you, even though I don't have any experience haha, but never stop doing the small silly things.  Leave post-it notes on the mirror in the morning with sweet messages, buy a nerf gun and have nerf-gun wars, and make sure you set aside at least one date night a week! So happy for you!"

Kathryn: "Memory- Waking up in the wee hours of the morning to you and Brittany giggling and snuggling with me after an Alpha Gam social.  I will never forget it! Advice- Don't sweat the small things.  Enjoy this time in your life!"

Melissa: "I can't give official marriage advice, but my best relationship advice is don't go to bed mad, don't sweat the small stuff, and always make time for cute romantic nights out! My recent favorite memory of you was watching you find out from David where you're living! You were so cute and so excited.  I am so amazingly excited for you!" 

Gabby: "Memory- First time we went to a frat party.  We went to ATO and she loved the hunch punch.  Two cups in Sarah was happier than ever.  She was too cute and funny! I think the Sarah giggle started there.  Sarah, I have been so blessed to have you as a friend.  I know you will be a wonderful bride.  Advice- laugh everyday with David! It makes life better!"

Mallory: "No matter how long you're married, never stop trying to wow David! aka. Always shave your legs! Memory- Your teeny tiny phone, Brittany always impersonating you, how much you love teaching, and walking up and down Brumby hill together." 

Natalie: "Remember- Two heads are better than one, God shows us little miracles when we least expect them, smile and laugh everyday, enjoy the small things, and always love and appreciate each other!" 

Rebecca: "Memories- Spring break sophomore year-fun, fun, fun! Picking you up in the car when you got cramped up on your run--so random, but a good conversation came from it.  All the times downtown- you are always so happy! My favorite was this February when Nick talked about how you were the greatest, nicest person.  He talked about you all night. I agree and thought him sticking up for you was the best.  Advice- Do all things in love."

Kristin: "I don't even know where to begin! I will say that my advice for you is limited, but my memories with you are endless! I have had such an amazing time living with you in the house (EPIC!) and now living with you again in TC 37! Through our many 'heart-to-hearts' about life and God, through two hospital visits in the span of two weeks, and through sharing one tiny closet for all of our clothes, you have become one of my best friends and hold a very special place in my heart.  I love you so much and I am truly blessed to have such a special friend in my life.  I can't wait to see you grow into a beautiful and incredible wife.  Congratulations!" 

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Senior Events

On Sunday, April 15, we had a nice senior brunch at the sorority house and then we went to take senior pictures around campus.  I cannot believe that we are graduating this year.  These past four years have flown by, and on May 11, 2012, I will be graduating with a degree in Early Childhood Education from the University of Georgia.  I finished up student teaching this past Monday, so now I am getting ready for graduation and the wedding.  This is such an exciting time with graduation, the wedding, moving to Mississippi, and finding a new job.  2012 is a good year!